Thursday, March 16, 2006

archery camp and movies

finally, found some time to use the com. Been away for 3 days cos of archery camp. Was pretty fun though i couldnt sleep the first night. Training rocks and most of the activities were fun. Not to mention, the people there are awesome. I love the cca.

ken kept on suanning me for the whole camp. lol. as usual. i got my new arrows too! a dozen platinum arrows. with orangs nocks and black fletches. cool stuff. but we had to assemble them ourselves and i could onlie properly fletch 6. wonder wen i would be able to finish them all. At least they look cool with the black quiver and all. pity those ppl who got the jazzes cos they look quite wierd. Not to mention all the funky colour combinations of nocks and fletches.

At least could get to talk to more people and get to noe them abit better. That was the best part. but its kinda irritating wen you see ppl clique together. hmm.

Was broke by the end of the camp. had to pay for arrows, quiver, camp fees and club funds.. bugger. have to start using my reserves to cover me for the rest of the hols.

Went to watch movie todae too with ruth annalyn and jameson. Shaun ditch us for his class. pity. Damn, meeting time got delayed and i wandered around spore for 3 hours. well. did lots of window shopping in a couple of cool stores. wanted to buy lots of stuff but i remembered my financial crisis and i controlled myself. damn.

watched V is Vendetta. Awesome movie, quite inspirational actuallie. All the stuff and dialogues were really awesome. had lotsa fun too. dono why annalyn and ruth kept laughing. but i have to admit, V's mask looks quite funny. after that sat by the fountain of wealth or whatever at suntec and ate dinner. after that took lift on jamie's car to orchard. lol. now i am at home.

God have mercy.

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